Days 26-30
The interns spent Thursday and Friday finishing up the projects they started earlier in the week. Now the Hab Lab‘s soffit is complete and the Solar Cabins are almost ready to be lived in.
Founding Director Marcin Jakubowski left Friday to help a remote collaborator install a newer model of the CEB Press controller.
After what was by far the most frustrating week for interns at Factor e Farm, the team had an extensive discussion about what they want to see changed around a camp fire behind the Hab Lab Friday night.
(I wasn’t here for the meeting. If you’re interested in learning about the discussion, read these notes.)
The interns spent Saturday exploring Kansas City. On Sunday Sam Turner flew back to New Orleans, with plans to return to Factor e Farm later this summer.
That day the washing machine also flooded the bathroom and part of the 3D-printing and meeting rooms. It was messy…
Graham Coffman left for the summer Monday morning, as two new interns arrived: Aidan Williamson, who came for the whole summer two years ago, and Greg Sedderook, who is just staying for the week. Another intern, Michael Hess, arrived Monday.
The interns spent the whole day Monday finishing up what needed to be done on their modules and doing other computer work.
Danny Kirk and Stephen Whiting helped Curtis Calkins create a promotional video for the upcoming MicroHouse workshop, which will last from July 24 through the 29.
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